The Big Secret

In 1985 my first girlfriend moved away to Alabama. We were pretty serious for 15 year-olds. I watched her drive off in the back of the family wagon, pedaling down the street as they pulled away forever. We wrote letters. I told her all about my big dreams of becoming an airbrush artist someday, and she told me the boys in Alabama were nothing like me, and that we would be together again. I never made it as an airbrush artist, and eventually life absorbed us in our own small worlds.

Her name faded into the mythology of my past, holding the place of First Love. I ruefully thought of her living in a separate universe from me, not knowing who she became. We were together forever and trapped in 1985.

We stayed together forever and 15 for 26 years. We bumped into each other this past summer and picked up where we left off- No, I don’t airbrush anymore. No, I don’t really break-dance either I told her about the Crash of Great Awakening, the perils of sucrose, and my commitment to reading the great postmodern novels of the new millennium. Who has time to airbrush? She was surprised to hear I was still single. With the sweet van you drive? She would say. And the angry political posturing? Single? Really? But it was true.

I said something to her in a conversation this summer that sounded familiar to her and she unearthed the 1985 Nancesowee, our yearbook from 9th grade. What I said was, “I have never met a girl like you before. Sometimes you are so funny and cool to be around and other times you are just quiet and beautiful.”

From the day I picked myself up off that pavement (June 2, 2010) a lot of good things have happened in my life, but none so good as this one. I got my girl back from Alabama and she moved in last night. We’re all shacked up.

Welcome home Melissa!


18 Responses to The Big Secret

  1. OH MY GOD!
    I am so fucking happy for you I could just cry.
    Wow. Wow. Wow.
    Honestly, I thought you were going to tell us that you were adopting a child.
    I know your heart, Juancho. It’s such a good one. And here you are, sharing it.
    I send great congratulations and hope to meet her soon.

  2. Nobody deserves happiness more than you. I would also like to ad to that list: home cooking, couch time, slow rides looking at birds and the weight gain that only love can bring. BRO slow down and smell the roses.

  3. Dude! I had a totally rough night. I need to surf your couch. The bleeding has pretty much stopped, and I think I’m done barfing. It will be OK. See you in a bit.

  4. I popped in to say “Holy Guacamole! That is is effing AWESWOME. I’m happy for you, maing.”- but after reading Anonymous’ comment I’m just ROFLing.

    That poor girl. She can’t have any idea.

  5. That’s awesome. To be honest I always assumed you batted for the other team. Not that there would be anything wrong with that. 🙂

  6. Well, I knew but cried when I read this. There is not one person I know who deserves this more than you. So, Melissa, welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of the Simpkins/Robertson/Post family! Anyone who makes my nephew happy is the cat’s pajamas. I will now, along with my daughter Beth, do a jig in celebration. That’s what John’s granddad always told us to do — get up and dance a jig. So we’re jigging away up here in West Virginia! Oh, to write like you, John Oliver. That is my goal. Cheers!

  7. Tender moments deserve a place secure. Moments may take years but good things are worth the wait. You have never been the same since she left….I know…. and hopefully now you can be full again.

    Mad love being sent your way from Alaska, this is how movies are made and I actually get to be an extra. YEAH!!!

  8. Ok…. so I guess it’s official… we’re not getting married when we’re 45!! Maria says you’re a lucky bastard 🙂 TOTALLY kidding Melissa, you’re really gonna love us when you meet us,:-)we are big Johhny fans and welcome you with warm open arms honey! Can’t wait to meet you and welcome to Tallahassee, we will see you both soon!! Tam and Conchita

  9. Just so happy reading this little post. Air brushing? Did you know I was into acrylics?
    Hope to see you soon – bunch of yummy kale from NL in the fridge. Forced yummy pumpkin soup on DB tonight and he didn’t even complain. Melissal has a chance with the toilet seat.
    Hi, Mel!